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Combo-9|Womens Shoe|Down Jacket|60 L Bag|Glove|Headlamp|Poncho|Balaclava|Backpack cover|Goggles|Pole
Shoes usage cost: 90/day/pair(default 10 days charge applied
Jacket usage cost: 75/day/piece(default 10 days charge applied
Bag usage cost: 95/day/piece(default 10 days charge applied
Gloves usage cost: 100 for entire trip
Headlamp usage cost: 100 for entire trip
Poncho usage cost: 100 for entire trip
Balaclava usage cost: 100 for entire trip
Backpack cover usage cost: 100 for entire trip
Goggles usage cost: 125 for entire trip
Pole usage cost: 400 for entire trip
Total usage cost : 3625 for sample 10 days
How it works?:(10 days as a sample)
1) Pay security deposit of Rs 8500 to order items.
2) Items delivered to your delivery address* by speedpost.
3) Send it back by speedpost after usage by paying the speedpost charges. The speedpost charges** will be refunded.
4) On receiving back the item, refund of 8500 - 3625 = 4875 + speedpost charges to be issued in 72 hours.

* - Please give valid address with proper pincode for effective delivery.Item can also be picked up from nearest post office on producing ID proof and Tracking number(provided by us).

**- Click here to know more about speedpost charges policy

Security deposit Rs. 8,500

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Offer name
Combo 9 - Usage cost details
90/day (Min 10 days charge)
75/day (Min 10 days charge)
95/day (Min 10 days charge)
100 for Entire duration
100 for Entire duration
100 for Entire duration
100 for Entire duration
100 for Entire duration
125 for Entire duration
400 for Entire duration

A)What are the items that are included in this Combo package?

Answer: This combo package includes the following 10 items.

1 Pair of Womens Quechua Forclaz High Ankle waterproof Snow Trekking Shoe.

The Forclaz Waterproof High Ankle snow trekking shoe available for rent with Deccan Mountain Club is perfectly suitable for a wide range of Hiking and Trekking trips. They come with excellent waterproofing quality and sturdy grip that work very well in a trail that contains mountains, snow and wet surfaces. They are lightweight and breathable trekking shoes.

1 Pair of Quechua Waterproof Gloves for snow Trekking

The Forclaz Waterproof Gloves come with an inner warm glove lining. This is a two in one glove that works as a waterproof cover on the outside and provides warmth to the hands.

1 Forclaz Womens Down Jacket that can withstand temperatures upto - 8 degrees.

1 Headlamp 

1 Poncho

1 Balaclava

1 Backpack cover

1 Quechua High Altitude Trekking Goggles

1 Quechua 60 litre Backpack

1 Quechua Trekking Pole

B) Can I add additional items individually to this combo package?

Answer: Yes, you can add additional items to this combo package. The item's individual charges will apply.

C) Can I add other Combo offers to this Combo package?

Answer: Yes, you can add any amount of same or different combo packages to this offer.

D) Will I get the same models as shown in the pictures?

Answer: We periodically keep on updating our models based on the demand and usage. The models shown in the picture are one of the models available for rent.

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